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Viho-Buttons Edge Style
Default buttons
Add .btn-pill class for edge button
Large buttons
Add .btn-pill and .btn-lg class for large button
Small buttons
Add .btn-pill and .btn-sm class for small button
Active Buttons
Add .active for active state
Disabled buttons
Add .disabled class or disabled="disabled" attribute for disabled button
Custom state buttons
The .btn class used with <button>, <a> and <input> elements.
outline buttons
Add .btn-pill and .btn-outline-* class for button with outline
bold Border outline buttons
Add .btn-pill and .btn-outline-*-2x class for button with bold outline
outline Large buttons
Add .btn-pill,.btn-outline-* and .btn-lg class for large button
outline small buttons
Add .btn-pill,.btn-outline-* and .btn-sm class for small button
Outline extra small buttons
Add .btn-pill,.btn-outline-* and .btn-xs class for extra small button
Disabled outline buttons
Add .disabled class or disabled="disabled" attribute for disabled button
Gradien buttons
Add .btn-pill and .btn-*-gradienclass for gradien button

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